San Martino della Battaglia
San Martino della Battaglia
An impressive memorial in the south of Lake Garda
If you are travelling to the south of Lake Garda, you can’t miss the giant tower of San Martino della Battaglia. It rises 64 metres into the air near the small village and is a memorial to the many battles for Italian independence. The biggest and the most horrible battle took place in 1859 only a few kilometres from here and has gone down in the history books as the Battle of Solferino, in which 150,000 French and Italians fought against more than 130,000 Austrian soldiers. Numerous exhibits and accurate reports of this important battle can be found in the small Museo della Battaglia, the war museum. If you’re not scared of heights, then climb up the tower to enjoy the beautiful view over Lake Garda and the plain of Solferino. On the different floors, paintings of major battles of the Risorgimento and busts of famous Italians, such as King Vittorio Emanuele II and Giuseppe Garibaldi, are on display.
Those with a strong stomach can now visit the Ossuary. More than 1,000 skulls and bones are neatly stacked neatly here and bear witness to the terrible events of the great battle.
€ 6,-