Place of Interest
Medieval castle town north of Lake Garda
When you come to Arco, a mighty castle on the top of a rock, the Castello di Arco catches your eye. It rises 278 metres high above the city. The history of the castle itself probably dates back more than 1,000 years. The Goths are thought to have built the Renghera tower, which still stands today. The fortress was subsequently expanded in the following years. The current castle was considered impregnable until 1703 when a French army took the fortress. From this moment on it lost dramatically in importance. In the 20th century the castle finally fell to the community of Arco, which had to complete comprehensive restoration work to restore the castle to its present form. Visitors to the fort need some stamina – you have to climb more than 100 metres to the entrance gate of the castle.
Attractions in Arco
In addition to the Castello di Arco, Arco features a particularly interesting Arboretum. Archduke Albrecht of Habsburg built his winter palace in Arco with a magnificent garden. The Austrian was followed by numerous aristocrats, all of whom built their villas in Arco. In designing their parks they tried to outdo each other. The result was a considerable number of arboretums with many rare and beautiful trees. The most beautiful arboretum is at the end of Via Fossa.
Another of Arco’s highlights is the monumental Cathedral della Collegiata Santa Maria Assunta. It is the most important example of late Renaissance in Trent. An imposing construction from outside and richly decorated inside.
Surroundings of Arco
The rocky desert of Marocche is a worthwhile destination – also for those travelling by bike. Huge boulders are piled up here over an area of 15 square kilometres. This lunar landscape was formed when the glacier retreated and is now an impressive natural spectacle. You can reach the rocky desert on the road SS45 where it spreads out between Drò, Drena and Lake Cavedine.