Santi Apostoli
Santi Apostoli
Gorgeous grave chapel in Venice
Thechurch ofSantiApostoliislocatednearthefamousCa’ d’Oro. It wasdedicated in the14th centuryandisprimarilyworth a visit because of themagnificentgrave chapel of thefamilyCorner. The chapelislocated in therightaisleandwasbuilt in the15th centurybyMauroCoducci. Originally, the beautiful chapel, covered with a dome, servedas the finalrestingplacefortheCypriotQueenCatarinaCorner, but the Queenwasfinally buried inthechurchof SanSalvador. However, thegravechapelis asuperb exampleof VenetianRenaissancearchitecture. Thealtarpiece“The CommunionofSaintLucy” isbyGiambattistaTiepolo.
Landing stage: Ca' d'Oro