San Sebastiano
San Sebastiano
Work and resting place of Paolo Veronese
The Renaissance church of San Sebastiano was built in the first half of the 16th century. It is still inextricably linked to one big name: Paolo Veronese. The great Venetian painter achieved his fame here in 1553 when he created his first painting cycle. In addition to this first work of art, some of his most important works housed in San Sebastian include the two ceiling paintings “Coronation” and “Four Evangelists” in the sacristy. Another of Veronese’s greatest works is the story of Esther, the wife of the Persian King Xerxes in the nave. He painted the wall paintings in the nave together with his brother Benedetto. Other great works by Veronese include “Enthroned Madonna with St. Sebastian” at the altar and “The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian”, as well as “Sebastian before Diocletian” in the nuns’ choir. Veronese’s tomb is located next to the choir.
€ 3,-
Opening hours
free entrance with Chorus pass
Landing stage: Ca' Rezzonico