Santa Corona
Contra Santa Corona
Church with the tomb of Palladio
The beautiful gothic brick church of Santa Corona was built in the 13th century and is situated more or less directly on the Corso Andrea Palladio. It houses not only a precious relic – a piece from the crown of thorns of Christ – but is also home of other famous masterpieces. Among other things, you can admire here the "Baptism of Christ" by Giovanni Bellini on the fifth altar on the left and the "Adoration of the Magi" by Paolo Veronese on the third altar on the right. Under the grave stone on the last pillar on the left was originally the tomb of Andrea Palladio and his wife before they were transferred to the municipal cemetery.
In the neighbouring cloister you can visit the Museo Archeologico Naturalistico or the worthwhile gallery with Russian icons and works of Venetian masters in the Palazzo Leoni Montanari. Not far away is the church of Santo Stefano, where they discovered paintings by Tiepolo and Palma the Elder.
Admission: only with the Biglietto Unico