Torre dell'Orologio
Torre dell’Orologio
The famous clock tower at St. Mark’s Square
Betweenthe OldProcuracy andSt. Mark’sBasilica, the Torre dell’Orologio is perched highabove the doorwaytothe Mercerie. ThefamousarchitectMauroCoduccidesignedthebeautifulclock towerin the Renaissance stylebetween1496and1499.Itscharacteristicappearance is enhanced bythestar-studded bluemosaicfield andtheLion of St Markon the topfloor. Twomoorshitwithhammerson theplatformevery hour. Thelarge showpiece clockalsodisplays the months, moonphasesandzodiac signs in addition to the time.
Those who are in Venice onEpiphanyor Ascension Daycan alsoadmiretheMagi,whoarelead by anangelaroundtheMadonnaand Child on the hour.
Landing stage: San Zaccaria or Vallaresso San Marco