Teatro La Fenice
Teatro La Fenice
The queen of all opera houses
Next toLa Scala in MilanandSanCarloinNaples, Venice’s opera house is one of themost famous operahouses worldwide.Notwithout reasonitisoften calledthequeen oftheoperahouses. Rossini, Bellini, DonizettiandVerdicomposedtheirworksfortheTeatroLaFenice. Famouscomposerssuch asRichardWagnerand IgorStravinskyalsoarranged performances ofmany oftheirworksinVenice. In addition tothecomposers,artistsas CarusoandPavarotti, and conductors fromLeonardBernsteintoGiorgioStrehlerhave also enjoyed workinghere.
“La Fenice” means Phoenix in Englishand in this casethenameof theoperahousesays almost everything. The story ofthe TeatroLaFenice is as famous intheworld as it is wretched. In 1773, theprevious buildingburned down tothe groundandin its placethe Teatro La Fenice wasbuilt in1792. Thephoenixhadrisenfrom theashes– butonlybriefly, because in 1836theoperahouseburnedagain andwas rebuiltagaina yearlaterin theneoclassicalstyle.A richVenetiantradition of musicandtheworks ofmanyfamouscomposersmade it one of themost famousoperahousesin the world. 1996the TeatroLaFeniceburned again andthevenerablebuildingwasrazedtoits foundation. In 2003it wasopenedagain afteryears offaithful reconstruction–atruePhoenix.
€ 8,00 with audio guide
Landing stage: Santa Maria del Giglio