Galleria Fondazione Querini Stampalia
Galleria Fondazione Querini Stampalia
Patrician palace with venerable Pincoteca
The palace, which now houses the Galleria Fondazione Querini Stampalia, once belonged to a wealthy Venetian patrician family. In 1886 the magnificent palace finally became the property of the city of Venice, which converted the palace in the 1970s and expanded it into a gallery. The modern café on the ground floor with its garden and interesting bookstore is worth a brief stopover.
The valuable art gallery includes many works by Venetian artists which were mainly collected by Giovanni Querini Stampalia. He also gave the gallery its name. Among the highlights of the gallery is an image cycle by Gabriel Bella in room 1. Further paintings to be found here include “Women’s regatta on the Canale Grande” and the “Carnival celebration on Holy Thursday”. The most valuable collection is to be found in room 8 where you can admire works by Giovanni Bellini, Palma the Elder and Lorenzo di Credi.
€ 8,-
Opening hours
Landing stage: San Zaccaria