Ca' Foscari
Ca' Foscari
Seat of the University Ca' Foscari of Venice
Ca’ Foscari was built in 1452 by the Doge Francesco Foscari. It is one of the bigger Venetian palaces and it is located on the “volta del canal”, the largest bend of the Canal Grande. From the beautiful gothic window of the second noble floor, you can enjoy of a breathtaking view over Rialto Bridge and the Academy of Fine Arts.
Ca’ Foscari is seat of the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice. Inside the palace there are two important interventions made by Carlo Scarpa.
€ 4,50,-
Opening hours
€ 3,50,-
- visitors with disabilities
- Venetian citizens
- students up to 26 years old (with student card or university record book)
- groups (min. 10 persons)
Free entrance: children up to 6 years old
Guided tours
Reservation is required for the guided tours of the building:
Telephone number: 0412348036/8034
E-mail: cafoscaritour@unive.it
Website: www.unive.it/tour
Landing stage: Ca' Rezzonico