Palazzo della Ragione
Palazzo della Ragione
Palace in the middle of two squares
In the midst of the Piazza della Frutta and the Piazza dell'Erbe rises the Palazzo della Ragione. The palace was built at the beginning of the 13th century and originally served as a court building in Padua. Along the open loggia on both sides are many dealers and around both squares you can experience daily market activity. All day on Saturdays and during the week in the morning, merchants cry their wares here. The huge market around the Palazzo della Ragione is one of the biggest in northern Italy, and again reflects well the former glory of the free trading city of Padua.
Inside the Palazzo della Ragione, a number of shops and stores are located on the ground floor. The large and magnificent hall on the first floor is completely painted with astrological and religious frescoes from the 15th century and is often used for exhibitions. Another sight to visit in the palace is the "stone of shame" that once stood outside the courthouse and on which debtors were humiliated.
Admission: € 4,- (free admission with the Padova Card)