Palazzo del Bò
Palazzo del Bò
Venerable old university in Padua Padua
In the Palazzo del Bò, near the Caffè Pedrocchi, is the main building of the old university.. The palace was built in the 15th century and has been home to the University of Padua since 1493. The courtyard of the Palazzo Bò is surrounded by two vertically arranged arcades, from where you can enter the individual classrooms. The gallery is decorated with nearly 3,000 coats of arms, which were added by teachers and students as a sign of their attachment to the university. Worth seeing are the individual classrooms where the various rows of seats, descending almost vertically, are grouped close to each other around the lecture area.
The University of Padua was founded in 1222 and is next to Modena and Bologna one of the oldest universities in Italy and Europe. Even famous scientists such as Galileo Galilei taught here. In his 18 years of work in Padua, Galileo discovered, among other things, the moons of Jupiter and Saturn's rings and developed his theory that the earth revolved around the sun. His chair is still on display in the great hall. At the stairway to the upper gallery is also the statue of Elena Lucrezia Cornaro, the first woman in the world to be awarded an academic title in the humanities.
Guided Tour: € 5,-