Albano Laziale
Place of Interest
Albano Laziale
Antique military base and popular shopping town
The town of Albano Laziale is located directly on the Via Appia in the centre of the Alban Hills. Where there once was a Roman military base, today there are many shops and high-end boutiques that make the town one of the most popular shopping centres outside of Rome. You’ll need to be patient in terms of traffic, but after finding a parking space you can shop to your heart’s delight.
Attractions in Albano Laziale
The main attractions of Albano Lazia are located along the main street, the Corso Matteotti and the surrounding side streets. The church of San Pietro Apostoli with its Romanesque bell tower was built in the 6th Century A.D. on the ruins of the Baths of Caracalla. Both inside and outside you can still recognize the inclusion of ancient structures in the church. Marble cornices and ornaments of the ancient spa can be found everywhere in the church. Diagonally opposite you reach the Porta Pretoria over the Via Settimo Severo, the former main gate of the great Roman military base. 6000 elite soldiers of the Legion Albani once lived on these 10-acres. The Cisterone, a large water reservoir for storage, and the remains of an amphitheatre that once seated 15,000 spectators can also be seen. The archaeological finds can be admired in the archaeological museum in the neoclassical villa Ferraioli at the city limit.
The church of Santa Maria della Rotonda in the Via della Rotonda is well worth visiting. The church is based on a circular plan and was built on a Roman Nymphaeum. The Romanesque bell tower and an ancient mosaic of a sea serpent in the porch deserve particular attention.