Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe
Basilica di Sant'Apollinare in Classe
Impressive Byzantine structure
Classe, located 5 km south of Ravenna in the suburbs, is home to the imposing Basilica di Sant'Apollinare. The sepulchral church for Ravenna's patron saint Apollinaris was built between 533 and 549 and expanded in the 10th century by adding a high, cylindrical bell tower (Campanile). Nowadays the basilica is regarded as one of the most impressive examples of Byzantine art in Italy and was declared World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.
Fascinating interior
Due to a severe earthquake in the 8th century and looting, the fascinating interior wasn't preserved in its original form. Most of the mosaic floor was lost. All marble planking was removed and replaced by effigies of several Ravennese bishops. The surviving mosaics on the triumphal arch and the apse impress with overwhelming grandeur leaving behind the naturalism of Late Antiquity and focusing on the abstract symbolism of Byzantine art. They depict motifs of Christ and sacrifices dating back to the 6th and 7th century.
€ 3,-