Scuola Grande dei Carmini
Scuola Grande dei Carmini
One of six major Scuolas in Venice
The Carmelite order has been based in Venice sincethe 13th century.Next to themonasteryand thechurchthebrotherhoodhas also founded its ownScuola: theScuolaGrandedeiCarmini. It is oneofthesixmajorScuolas(comparable toguilds) in Veniceand wasbuiltin 1663.Of particular interest istheassemblyhall on the firstfloor. GiambattistaTiepolopainted the ninepaintings on the ceiling at the beginningof the18th century. Thepainting “Mary oftheBlessedSimonistheScapularof theCarmelites” is considered to be hisgreatest work.
OppositetheScuolayou will find theGothicCarmelitechurchfrom the13th century. Again, thereareseveralimportantpaintingstoadmire: “Adoration of theShepherds” byCimada Conegliano, “St.NicholaswithSt. John theBaptistandLucia” by LorenzoLottoandthe“Presentationin the Temple”, a work by Tintoretto. The nearbyCampoSantaMargheritaisactually oneofthe busiestsquares in Veniceandone of thefewsquares with living trees. Numerousrestaurants,cafesandshopsjust beg you to take a brief break.
€ 6,-
Opening hours
Landing stage: Ca' Rezzonico