San Francesco della Vigna
San Francesco della Vigna
Franciscan church in the vineyards
Although it is hard to imagine in this in Venice, this church was built in the former vineyards of the lagoon city. In 1253 Franciscan monks came to this fertile part of Venice and founded a monastery. The church of San Francesco della Vigna was originally built by Sansovino in 1543 and completed by Andrea Palladio. Palladio is also responsible for the unmistakable facade of the main portal. The interior is characterised by many side chapels and the tombs of important Venetian families.
There is a “Madonna with Saints” by Giovanni Bellini on the left-hand side of the Capella Santa, a triptych by Antonio Vivatrini in the sacristy and a “Madonna with Saints” by Paolo Veronese in the fifth chapel on the left. Also noteworthy is a “Madonna Enthroned” by Antonio da Negroponte in the right transept and a sculptures cycle by Pietro Lombardi in the Capella Giustiani
Landing stage: San Zaccaria or Celestia