Villa Barbaro
Villa Barbaro
A masterpiece by Palladio in Treviso
Not far from the small town of Asolo stands the Villa Barbaro in Maser. It is considered to be one of Andrea Palladio’s masterpieces. The elegant villa was built in 1558 for the brothers Daniele and Marcantonio Barbaro, two distinguished Venetian politicians and friends of Palladio. Together they designed the palatial villa which would serve as both a villa and a farm. After the end of the Republic of Venice, the villa changed hands several times and finally fell into disrepair. In the course of the 19th century it was restored and opened to the public. By the way, another of Palladio’s masterpieces is the Tempietto, which is to be found on Maser’s thoroughfare.
The architecture of the Villa Barbaro
With its Ionic columns and tympanum figures, the main building is reminiscent of a Greek temple. The side buildings with long arcades are completed by elegant dovecots and were used as servants quarters and as agricultural facility rooms. Also of interest is the beautiful garden with its richly adorned nymphaeum.
Undoubtedly one of the highlights is a visit to the interior of the Villa Barbaro. Paolo Veronese painted the living room with ornate and symbolic frescoes and the side walls are decorated with portraits and landscape scenes from everyday life, which makes a visit a very special experience.
9,00 €