Castello Saraceno
Castello Saraceno & Madonna della Rocca
Medieval castle over Taormina
Parallel to the Corso Umberto runs the Circonvallazione, the bypass road of Taormina. Approximately at the level of the Naumachia, a beautiful stairway leads from here to the Monte Tauro above Taormina, where the once mighty Castello Saraceno is perched. On the way to the castle, you will pass the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Rocca, which is visited by many pilgrims. The Castello Saraceno is fairly dilapidated, but the magnificent view over Taormina, Mount Etna and the coastline is well worth it. Particularly in the summer months, the one-hour walk up to the castle is quite tough and it is the best to climb up to the castle in the early morning or late afternoon.