Ancient Akrai
Archaeological site
Ancient Akrai
Predecessor town of Palazzolo Acreide
Immediately southwest of Palazzolo Acreide are the excavations of the ancient Akrai. The central and at the same time most important building in the city is the exposed theatre. It was probably built by Hiero II of Syracuse and could once hold an audience of 700 spectators. Today there remain only 12 rows of seats and foundations of the presentation space. In the last week of May, students perform ancient tragedies and comedies here, which are worth seeing.
Also worth seeing are the Bouleuterion, the meeting hall of the council members, and the two ancient quarries with caves and tombs from the Byzantine period. If you follow the path of the Ferali temples, you reach the life-size Santoni, twelve statues of the Kyble cult, showing the old mother goddess of Asia Minor and other figures.
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