Altar of Hieron II
Archaeological site
Altar of Hieron II
Monumental altar
The Altar of Hieron II is located on the left-hand side en route to the Greek Theatre. The monumental altar was built by Hieron II to commemorate the fall of the tyrant Thrasyboulos and was dedicated to Zeus Eleutherios. The huge facility is 200 metres long and 23 metres wide. Although nothing remains of the 15 metre high, temple-like structure – the Spaniards used the stones for their villas – the remaining substructure gives you an idea about the size of the original altar. Big festivals took place here for the inauguration and on the anniversaries of the tyrants’ fall,. According to the historian Diodorus 450 bulls were sacrificed at the same time to cater to the crowds.
Entrance via the Archaeological park: € 8,-