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Online travel guide Catania

Catania: City map for orientation

The main attractions in Catania at a glance

The main tourist attractions and most beautiful places in Catania at a glance - all these and many other interesting places can be found on the city map of Catania. As in every major city it is useful to gain a sense in advance of the size and location of the city of Catania. On the ZAINOO map of Catania you will not only find the most beautiful places in Catania, but also all the sights and all the places described in this guide as well as hotels and restaurants.

The practical city map of Catania for your stay in Sicily

You don’t have a hardcover travel guide with a detailed city map of Catania at hand? Then simply click on the map, zoom, print or download and you're ready for an extended tour through the city of Catania.


City map of Catania The main attractions

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City map of Catania
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