San Pietro in Vincoli
San Pietro in Vincoli
Church in honour of St. Peter
San Pietro in Vincoli (St. Peter in Chains) was originally dedicated to the Saints Peter and Paul. Pope Leo the Great finally dedicated the Church only to St. Peter, after the chains with which Peter was shackled, were given to him and handed over to the church. The precious relic can be seen in a display case at the high altar. The church itself, which was built by Pope Julius II, is impressive with a beautiful portico of Meo da Caprino as well as a tomb for the German cardinal Nicholas of Cusa with a relief by Andrea Bregno.
Tomb of Pope Julius II
The tomb of Pope Julius II from the powerful della Rovere family is a special highlight. It was originally designed by Michelangelo for St. Peter's Basilica and finally built in a slightly smaller version. The sculptures of Jacob's daughters, Leah and Rachel, and the statue of Moses were created by Michelangelo. The statue of Moses is one of the most important works of the artist and represents Moses in just that moment, when he returns with the 10 Commandments from Mount Sinai. The horns on the forehead of Moses are based on a mistranslation of the corresponding Bible text, which was only revealed later.