Piazza del Quirinale
Piazza del Quirinale
Beautiful square in front of the Quirinal Palace
The Piazza del Quirinale is one of the most beautiful squares of Rome. Situated on a small hill, visitors have a wonderful view over the Eternal City straight up to St. Peter's Basilica. Also impressive is the Dioscuri fountain in the square, with the 14-metre high obelisk and the 6-metre high horse tamers Castor and Pollux. The obelisk originally stood in front of the Mausoleum of Augustus, the horse tamers in the Baths of Diocletian.
Quirinale Palace and Palazzo della Consulta
On the Quirinal hill there was once a noble Roman neighbourhood. Pope Gregory XIII began with the construction of a papal summer residence here in the 16th Century, which was gradually expanded in subsequent years by renowned architects such as Bernini and Maderno. Under Pope Clement XII the huge complex of buildings with its connected gardens assumed its present layout. From 1870, the Palazzo del Quirinale was the seat of the Italian kings and today the Italian President works in the beautiful palace. Diagonally opposite is the Palazzo della Consulta from the 18th Century. Where the papal court once was, the Italian Constitutional Court resides today.
Sant'Andrea al Quirinale and San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
A few steps along the Via del Quirinale and you will see the two churches of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale and San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane. The former was built in 1671 by Bernini - the latter in 1667 by his rival Borromini. The church of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale was court chapel of the Italian royal family until 1946. It is impressive with its magnificent and extraordinary architecture. Bernini created a baroque church with a grid pattern oval plan and several side chapels with a rich Baroque interior. A few metres further stands the church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane. It got its name from the four fountains with the reclining statues personifying the Tiber, Aniene, loyalty and bravery.