Santa Prassede
Santa Prassede
Early Christian basilica with beautiful mosaics
According to legend, the two daughters of the Roman senator Pudens, Praxedis and Pudentiana, were consecrated by St. Peter. Santa Prassede, the sister church of Santa Pudenzia is therefore dedicated to the Holy Praxedis. Although the church was rebuilt over the centuries quite often, the character of the early Christian basilica has survived. It has a high nave supported by columns with narrow aisles. The mosaics in the apse from the 9th Century are among the most valuable of its kind in Rome. They show the heavenly Jerusalem with Christ, Peter, Paul, the apocalyptic lamb and the two sisters Praxedis and Pudentiana. Due to the high illiteracy rate, the Christian doctrine was spread mainly by an illustrated Bible of mosaics. Particularly beautiful mosaics are located in the Chapel of San Zeno in the right aisle. It was originally created by Pope Paschal I as a grave chapel for his mother.