San Giovanni dei Fiorentini
San Giovanni dei Fiorentini
The church of the Florentines
Pope Leo X, who came from the Florentine ruling family of the Medici, built the church of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini for his countrymen in Rome. The bid, in which artists such as Michelangelo and Raphael partook, to design the church went to the architect Jacopo Sansovino. However, many other well-known architects and artists like Michelangelo, Borromini, Maderno and Alessandro Galilei helped during the construction works. The result was an impressive and large church with a rich Baroque interior. Worth seeing in the interior are the apse by Pietro da Cortona, the high altar of Borromini and the tombs of Francesco Borromini and Maderno on the third pillar under the dome.