Place of Interest
Characterised by the 19th century
Like so many other villages of the region Saludecio once was a Malatesta defence site against the Montefeltro. Castle and town wall were fortified, two town gates provided protection against hinterland and coastal attackers. Saludecio ultimately flourished in the 19th century when it became the valley’s principal town. Its simple elegance made it the perfect site for the annual "Ottocento Festival", the festival of the 19th century, taking place every August.
Painted house walls
During the festival, audience participation is very important. Furthermore, Saludecio is one of the “Città dei muri dipinti”, the union of Italian towns with painted house walls, the so-called “Murales” (murals). “Ottocento Festival” aside, Saludecio has even more to offer. The astronomic observatory Niccolò Copernico is equipped with two telescopes, guided tours are always possible. Saludecio town hall was built on the ruins of the former Malatesta castle. It features, inter alia, a theatre, a library and a permanent exhibition dedicated to the memory of Giuseppe Garibaldi.