Place of Interest
Viewing platform near San Marino
Montescudo’s best feature is its special position that constantly attracts a number of tourists and new residents. Situated near the San Marinese border, the location nestled in the first hills of the Conca valley acts as a viewing platform of the whole region of sorts. This terraced position was already recognised by the Malatesta who tried set up Montescudo as an outpost of their defensive system. The massive stone walls with transversely gradient stones originate from this period.
Extraordinary discoveries for art-lovers
Montescudo is rich in museums and historical sites. The Eastern Gothic Line Museum in the Montescudo Church of Peace illustrates events from the Second World War, the Ethnographical Museum is closely linked to agricultural culture. The Sanctuary of Valliano hosts rare Renaissance frescos that were created around the end of the 15th century. Montescudo itself is best discovered on a guided tour through the medieval town centre.