

Disclosure accoring to §24 and 25 of Media law and information according to §5 of the E-Commerce Law (ECG)

ZAINOO is a project by ALEWA

Tel: 0043 699/ 102 42 715

Design & Webconversion

e2revolution - design+marketing

Media entrepreneur and publisher

ALEWA - WebText, WebMarketing, WebConsulting OG

Political community Regau
Betriebsstraße 13, 4844 Regau, Austria
Legal form: General partnership (OG)

Tel: 0043 720 304066 50
Fax: 0043 720 304066 70


Commercial Register: FN 337870v
Company registration: Regional Court of Wels
ATU 65524916

Managing Director

Mag. phil. Alexander Wagner, Mag. phil. Ewa Wozniakowska MA

Authorities and Regulations

Commerce of Upper Austria
Trade authority: District Vöcklabruck

Applicable legislation: Trade Regulation (
Business: Advertising Agency

Legal notice

In view of the technical features of the Internet can not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy or completeness of any information provided on the web. There is also no guarantee for the availability or the operation of this Website and its content.

Any liability for direct, indirect or other damages, regardless of cause, arising from the use or non-availability of data and information on this website, to the extent legally permissible.

Our site contains links to external websites over which we have no control. Therefore we can not provide for these foreign content. For the contents of the linked sides always the respective offerer or operator of such sites is responsible. The linked sites were checked at the time of linking for possible violations of law. Illegal contents were not recognizable.

The content of this website is protected by copyright.